[From Manx Quarterly #17 - Oct 1916]



On Saturday evening, March 11th, 1916, a most successful concert, social, and dance was heild in the Oddfellows' Hall, Jeppestown, Johannesburg. The function was orgamised to raise funds for the supply of knitting machines to the Manx Industries Association, and the president, officials, and members of the Transvaal Manx Association are to be congratulated on the striking success of their efforts. A notable feature of the evening was the large number of visitors present; in fact, so far as members are concerned, the visitors were in the majority, and entered into the spirit of the occasion with great zest, thus helping in 'large measure to make the evening a real social success. The hall was decorated with the Manx flag, and on the walls were a number of mottoes in the Manx language, such as: " Car-ye-poosie," " Soorieing Time," " Skeeil-y-Vridye," and " Mannin son dy bragh," etc., which elicited numerous queries as to their interpretation — a number of the visitors not being aware of the fact that Manx folk have a, language of their own. Another very interesting feature was the small number of young men present. The young Manxmen of Africa have followed the lead of their kinsmen in Mannin, and are scattered over the various war zones endeavouring to carry the dear old flag of Britain to victory. May the great God of battles crown their efforts with signal success, and bring them safe home to their dear ones again! The genial president of the Transvaal Manx Association (Mr D. F. Corlett) occupied the chair, and carried out his many duties very ably, and the great success of the gathering was largely due to his splendid enthusiasm and patriotism. It may be of interest to mention. that Mr Corlett has just recently been elected president of the Master Builders' Association in Johannesburg, a, very important association in the commercial life of the Rand and South Africa.

He was ably assisted by the vice-presidents (Messrs W. H. Bridson and E. Sayle), who throw themselves into the work with great vigour, and, along with the other officials and members of the committee, are to be congratulated on their extremely effective efforts. It must be recorded that three of our committee are with the fighting forces — Mr W. H. Darling (Overseas Contingent), Mr G. H. Moore and Mr T. E. Cowin (German East Africa). The Ladies Committee, under the presidency of Mrs W. H. Bridson, worked hard and are to be highly congratulated on the success of their efforts to make the social part of the evening so enjoyable, and on their splendid work in obtaining subscriptions from their many friends. The musical programme was an artistic, treat, each artist giving an excellent rendering of his or her particular songs, and all received richly deserved encores. Quite a feature, of this portion of the programme was the highly artistic methods of the accompanist, Mr Fred Fell, who, carried out his duties most delightfully, being a real source of joy to both artist and audience. The chairman, in his remarks, detailed the reasons why the social was being held, and read a letter received from the Rev Copeland Smith dealing with the knitting machine scheme, also extracts from Mr Smith's recent notable speeches in Douglas. There was a great ovation when it was mentioned that Manxland, in proportion to its population, headed the list in contributing men to the Army and Navy, and we Rand Manxmen are extremely proud of the fact, and sincerely hope this will not be lost sight of in the adjustments after the war, and that the burdens under which our beloved Island struggles will be considerably lightened by the Imperial Government. At the close of the musical portion of the programme, Vice-President Mr E. Sayle, in a particularly happy little speech, thanked the artists for their splendid contributions, and everyone else who had helped in the cause. This vote of thanks was carried amidst rounds of aplause. An adjournment was then made to the stage of the hall, where the Ladies' Committee had laid out a beautifully decorated table laden with lots of good things pertaining to the " inner man," and to which full justice was done. Then, when. everyone had had a " lil coosh," Messrs Miller, Butler, and Hunter struck up the sweet strains of " music's entrancing sounds" and the assemblage moved off in the whirl of the joyous dance. During one of the intervals, Councilor L. U. Partridge, a well-known Rand auctioneer, offered for sale several articles by " American auction," which realised a very good sum of money. These gifts comprised a hand-worked fire screen, three panels, depicting the fuschia, foxglove, and rose, beautifully crocheted in relief, made and presented by Mr and Mrs W. Keigh'ley ; a two-tier iced cake, decorated with the three legs of Man, made and presented by Mr D. Cain, baker, Denver; a handkerchief and Comb and brush set, hand embroidered, made and presented by Mrs Glendenning; two table centres, beautifully poker-worked and hand-painted, made and presented by Miss Jameson; and two pair of plaques, made and presented by Mrs T.E . Cowin. The best thanks of the association are due to these friends for their at kindness. Just before the witching hour of midnight, it was announced that money sufficient to purchase twenty-one machines had been realised. This announcement was accorded three rousing cheers. Then the audience joined in singing " God save the King," thus bringing to a close a, really memorable occasion. Amongt those who attended were the meeting : — Mr and Mrs D. F. Corlett and daughter; Mr and Mrs W. H. Bridson; Mr and Mrs E. Sayle and family; Mr and Mrs D. Cain and daughter; Mr and Mrs, W. H. Coole; Mr and Mrs F.Coole, Mr and Mrs R. J. Faragher ; Mr and Mrs Hocknall; Mr and Mrs T. Crossling and Mrs D. Evans, Cambrian Society ; Mr and Mrs Knuckey, Cornish Association; Mr and Mrs A. Coole; Councillor and Mrs Anderson; Mr and Mrs T. H. Kinrade; Mr and Mrs W. Barnett; Mr and Mrs C. Greggor and daughter; Mrs Ritchie; Mr and Mrs W. Jane; Mrs Perks; Mr A. Lewin and Miss Lewin ; Mr Perks, junr. ; Mr and Mrs R. W. Kelly and family; Mr and .Mrs R. Kenataugh; Mr and Mrs R. Moore ; Mr and Mrs H. Kennaugh ; Mr and Mrs R. Kelly and daughter; Mr and Mrs C. Lewthwaite and family; Mr and Mrs A. O. Cain and son; Mr and Mrs Miller; Mr Butler; Mr Hunter; Mrs W. Gough ; Mr W. Kelly; Mr D. Kelly Mr W. Cowley; Mr and Mrs Mitchell; Mr Robt. Corkill; Mr and Mrs W. Keighley ; Mr J. J. Cain; Mr Anige ; Councillor L. U. Partridge; Miss M. Seymour ; Miss B. Kelly; Mr and Mrs A. Burden; Mr and Mrs E. Hughes; Mr and Mrs F. Fell; Mr A. Bell; Mr J. Banks; Mr W. Mitchell; Miss G. Stowell; Mr E. Quayle; Mr and Mrs D. Coupe; Mr and Mrs Watterson; Miss M. Cowin: Mrs T. E. Cowin; Mrs Jones; Mr T. C. Cowin; Mr and Mrs Jno. Moore; Mrs Leslie Blackwell ; Mr and Mrs Geo. Creer ; Mrs Southall ; Mrs Whiter; Mr T. F. Allen; Mrs Craine ; Mrs Smith, Mrs Lawson ; Mr Birk ; Mr Sinclair ; Mrs Shaxim; Mrs Grant; Mr A. C. Crye ; Mr Turman ; Mr J. Watterson ; Mr J. Colwell; Mr F. Allwright; Mr M. Cowley ; Mr W. Killip ; Mr W. Faragher ; Mr and Mrs E. Cowley ; Mr and Mrs A. C. Garrett; Mr Hiscroff; Mr E. Partington ; Mr and Mrs L. Partington ; Mr P. H. Wade; Mr J. Davie, and many others. The majority of these friends also subscribed largely to the funds, and the thanks of the Transvaal Manx Association is most gratefully tendered to them for their splendid response. I may say that we have now fowarded £138 for the fund. The following was the programme: -Pianoforte solo, Mr Fred Fell; song, " The Deathless Army," Mr Alex. Burden; song, " My Toreador." Miss Mavis Seymour; song, "Trusty as Steel." Mr R. W. Kelly; song. " Take a pair of Sparkling Eyes," Mr E. Hughes; song, " There's a Land," Miss Blanche Kelly; duet, " Home they brought her Warrior Dead," Miss B. and Mr R. W. Kelly.



The annual general meeting of the Vancouver Manx Society was held in October, when the following officers were duly elected: — President, Mr J. J. Comish ; vice president, Mr W. H. Kelly; treas., Mr E. Gelling; hon. secretary, Miss A. A. Greggor, 1,432 13th Avenue, W. committee, Mrs Metcalf, Mrs W. Christian, Miss L. Kelly, and Messrs E. Beck. R. Christian, and S. Dick; auditors, Messrs W. J. Cain and J. F. Collister.

The Chairman (Mr R. H. Greggor), in reviewing the work of the past year, referred to the strenuous times they were passing through. Many had left for the old land and other parts, and quite a number, he was proud to say, had joined the army for the front. He urged the society to have an 'honour roll', so that the men leaving to fight should feel that the society honoured them and that they had the society's sympathy and help. During the year they had materially assisted those who needed a little help, and he (the Chairman) noted that although many had found it necessary to economise, yet he was glad to say there was a spirit of fraternity and helpfulness. Last November the society's first "Tom Brown Night" was held. It was well attended and mutch enjoyed. He hoped the day would be fittingly kept each year. Efforts were made to secure a section of ground in the cemetery. The society were unable to get a portion in the present cemetery, but might have a section reserved in the new cemetery that was now being made ready. There were many objects which he suggested he would like to have found in fruition in the Vancouver Manx Society. In conclusion, he urged all members to take an active interest in the objects and aims of the society, and to make it a medium of service for all fellow-countrymen in this part of the world.

Mr W. H. Kelly also, addressed the meeting, and in eulogistic teirms moved a vote of thanks to the officers of the past year. The motion was heartily endorsed.

After the election of officers, a concert was held, and Mrs Bunyan and Messrs Wm. Mudie and Robt. Christian delighted the audience with song.

Tea and light refreshments, served by the ladies. followed the concert.

Messrs Stanley Bridson, Ted Corrin, and John Kneale, who were about to leave the city were given a hearty send-off, and the President extended to them the best wishes of the society. To this expression the gentlemen named replied.


The Vancouver Manx Society held its eighth annual banquet in the Orange Hall on New Year's Day. After the banquet the occasion was marked by the unveiling of its Honour Roll. The Honour Roll occupied a conspicuous place on the platform. On both sides of the Union Jack hung two Manx flags. The roll, which is of careful workmanship, came from the pen of one of the members. The British flag, is painted on both sides of the Manx coat-of-arms at the head of the roll, and in beautiful lettering are the words, " Vancouver Manx Society Honour Roll." On the roll are inscribed the following : —

Frank Kewley, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Jack Clague. 47th Battalion.
Jack Clucas. 72nd Seaforth Highlanders.
Stephen Quirk, R.A.M.C.
George Clucas. Canadian Engineers.
John Kneale. Canadian Engineers.
John Kinred. 72nd Highlanders.
T. K. Caine (Sergt.). 131st Batt. C.E.F.
Wm. Cregeen. 62nd Butt. Company
D. John Corrin 88th Batt.
Frank Metcalf, 47th Batt., Comp.
A. Robert Christian. 67th Batt.
Eden Costain, 47th Batt., Company
A. Robt. Douglas. 47th Batt., Company
D. Wilson Holmes, C.A.M.C.
William Mannes.
Wm. McGratten, 29th Batt.
W. C. Cain. H.M. Navy.
H. K. Cain, 47th Batt., bugler.
Geo. Mercer, 6th D.C.O.R.
F. Richardson, 29th Batt.

Other names are to be added shortly. The handsome frame of the roll was resented by Mr Harry Bell, the art dealer.

Mr J. J. Comish, the President, occupied the chair.

The proceedings opened with the singing " Ellan Vannin."

[corrections TBD]

Mr Richard Condon, a Manx visitor in Calgary, spoke to the toast, " The Island.." He referred to the Isle of an as a country of critics. The Manx too ready to criticise the efforts of who try. He was glad to be present tonight. He had met old friends, and hoped to meet those he had not seen thirty years. Referring to the Honour roll of the Vancouver Manx Society, he glad to see so many join the colours. Many had joined also in Calgary. He tried to join, but was turned down for being too old. He hoped to go yet. The song, " The Veteran," sung by Mr il'ium Much, was well received, and utnl the enthusiasm of those present.

an encore he sang " There's a land." er the singing of " Maple Leaf for ever.- Mr W. Cain spoke of Canada.. He

that he was now getting like an old .. He -urged, and hoped, that the Manx would take a more prominent part

tl •~ affairs of the country. He expected

-.• : times to come. He asked that they -.,.her the boys who have gone to the n- They were doing their part. Let

-- ~ ho were left do their share in the :~ ns of Empire.

~l.- Robert Christian, in uniform, sang Village Blacksmith" in splendid -_ ~-id received a. well-deserved encore. T = next item on the programme was f - :'v the most interesting of the even-- ~ nnveiIing of the Roll of Honour =-tle Miss Glades Sh.illicorn, who for three cheers for the boys who had volunteered for the front. Needless to were heartily Liven. Tn the - = of " Rule Brittania," which fol-the emotional element had full - : nd patriotic fervour and much en--- - ~pr developed.

Mr R. H. Greggor, in proposing the toast, " To the Empire," coupled with it " Our Boys in Khaki." He referred to the splendid Imperialistic spirit of the Manx boys-boys who are not too proud to fight-but who realise the importance of the struggle for freedom and democracy-and who willingly take up the sword. They were proud of them. Their stand was an inspiration to all. He would offer this sentiment:-

May Mona's' sons be ever found
By Briton's side. the whole world round ;
Nobly with all her strength and might,
Defending honour. truth. and right.

The toast was responded to by Sergt. T. K. Caine, 131st Batt., C.E., who dwelt on the importance of the struggle.. He urged every man who could take up the gun to do so. He had some two sons who had enlisted-one 16 years and the other 18 years of age. The boys went to Santon school. His eldest lad had just returned from the Dardanelles; the other was now with the contingent in England. and be expected to leave, shortly for the front.

The toast to " The Ladies" was responded to by Mr John Kinrade in a humorous speech. He recognised their worth. We could not have any " do" without them. They put the atmosphere all aglow. He felt he could not find fit words of appreciation.

A duet, " The moon hath raised her lamp above," was sung by Messrs John Callister and Harry Bell.

Mr J. J. Comish, the chairman. expressed his appreciation of those who had come to make the annual the success it deserved. He was sorry to see so much depletion in the attendance. However he hoped they would do better in the future. He made an appeal to all to join the society.

Mr Harry Bell sang a lively song entitled the " Two Grenadiers." and for an encore, " Somewhere a voice is calling."

The vote of thanks to those who tested. proposed by Mr E. Kermode, and seconded by Mr Halsall, was followed by the National Anthem.

Games and dancing were afterwards continued till midnight. Everybody had an enjoyable time.



The fifth annual tea party and concert of the above-named society took place on Thursday evening, February 17th, at the Dutch Tea Rooms, 409 St. Catherine-street W., Montreal. The President, Mr W. D. Moore, presided, and about 55 members sat down to tea. After the tea, the following programme was carried out -Manx National Anthem; toast, " The King," the President; toast, " The Isle of Man," Mr P. Castain ; Manx pianoforte selections, " Mr Harry Wood's Lancers," Miss Daisy Wood; toast, " World Manx Association," Mr W. G. Hull; Manx song, " The Sheep under the Snow," Mr Bertie Bell; toast, " Montreal Manx Society," the President; Manx recitation, " My Island' Home," Mr John Cregeen ; Mani sang, "Ellan Vannin," Mr W. D. Moore ; toast, " Our Sister Manx Societies," Mr T. R. Cregeen ; Manx song, " A Manx Wedding," Mr P. Costain ; flute solo, " Ramsey Town " (with chorus), Mr W. Jackson; toast, " Our Sister Friendly Societies," Mr ices. Gawne ; Manx reading, " How Thobm and Kirrey" (Dutch Tea Rooms), Mr John Cregeen (prdp.), Mr W. Jackson (secd.) ; vote thanks, "All Artistes," Mr .I. R. Quine (prop.), Mr Cain (secd.) ; " God Save the King."

From the above programme, it will be noticed that the good old-fashioned Manx songs and recitations were well in evidence, and furthermore all the artistes were Manx, and it really reminded one of being present at a good " tea-fight " at Kerrowkiel or Ronague. If the happy days spent in the dear little Island were ever brought home to Manx people abroad, they certainly were on this occasion. The toasts were very ably proposed by Messrs Percy Contain, W. D. Moore, T. R. Cregeen, W. G. Hull, and J. Jackson (Lancastrian Society), and the artistes rendered their Manx items in " gran' style." Mr McGain's reading of "Thobm and Kirrey " was really " fuss rate," and the members did not forget to show their appreciation. Mr John Cregeen's recitation, " My Island Home," certainly made the members long to be back again in Ellan Vannin. It would have done Manx people at home good to have heard the members join in the chorus of " Ellan Vannin," " Ramsey Town," and the " Manx Wedding," and also their singing of the Manx National Anthem. After the conclusion of the concert, the members adjourned to the dancing hall, where dancing and gannes were indulged in until an early hour of the morning. Mr Harry Wood's " Lancers " reminded us of being home again at the Palace or Derby Castle. When making arrangements for the fifth annual tea party, it was the main desire of the committee to keep the same as Manx as possible, and they certainly accomplished this.

The officers of the society for this year are as follow: - Hon. president, His Excellency Lord Raglan, Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Man; past president, Mr Joseph Gawne ; president, Ms W. D. Moore : first vice-president, Mr T. R. Cregeen . second vice-president, Miss Kelsey; treasurer, Mr W. Jackson; secretary, Mr L. McCain ; assistant-secretary Mr K. Cregeen ; committee, Messrs J. R. Quine, Jos. Gawne. W. G. Hull, John Cregeen, and E. Brayden, Mrs W. D. Moore, Mrs J. R.. Quine, Mrs John Cregeen, MrsW. Wood.and Mrs W. Jackson.

Any Manx people desirous of obtaining information concerning Canada would be gladly supplied with same on writing to either the President, c/o The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd., Montreal; or the Secretary, 50 Cathcart-street, Montreal.


Mrs Margaret Kneen,' secretary of the the society, sends the secretary of the W.M.A. the following report. Mrs Kneen vs the treasurer is a son of the late Mr F. Clucas, of the " Mona's Herald "

The annual meting of the Chicago Manx Society was held at the home of Mr Mrs Thos. Stanek, 2419 Lexington-st, with five officers and fifty members present. Two new members were elected.

Four of our members have been removed death since our last meeting, and the secretary was ordered to send condolence to the relatives of the same. The officers elected were:-Mr Thos. Quayle, president; Mr Robt. E. Gowell; 1st vice-president, Mrs Thos. Stanek, 2nd vice-presidentt ; Mr Wm. H. Clucas, treasurer; Margaret Kneen, 533 E 42nd Street,

It was moved and carried that -.:- :uet be held, arrangements for the - -o be made by the new officers. After -: n- a very enjoyable evening with and singing, our hostess served refreshments assisted by some of the morn-- A hearty vote of thanks was - -cl to Mr and Mrs Stanek for entertaining the society. We then sang our closing hymn, " God be with you till we meet again," and departed for home.


The last meeting of the Chicago Manx Society was held at the home c.f Mr and Mrs Thos. Cannell, 6137 Kinrbank-avenue, April 28th, 1916, with about fifty members present.

A condolence letter was ordered to be sent to Mrs Goole, whose dear brother passed away suddenly in the Isle of Man.

The treasurer for the War Fund reported she had collected three hundred and one dollars, but was waiting to hear from some more Manx people before sending the money to the Isle of Man.

It was moved and carried that a picnic be held at Jackson Park on July 15th. A committee was appointed for the same.

After spending a pleasant evening of music and singing, the hostess served refreshments, assisted by her daughter Miss Bianche, and the Misses Kneen, Gelling, Taubnran, and Mrs Clucas. We then sang our closing ode and departed for home. Margaret Kneen, Secretary.


The annual "Smoker" in connection with the above society was held on Dec. There were about 100 present. Mr --n presided, and fulfilled his duties _b _.v. In his opening remarks he t ~ the society's objects, the work accomplished, and dwelt on the -'y of having all Manxmen eligible = Then followed a fine programme luartettes, recitations. monolo-ar- musical numbers for which the _- talent was responsible:-Messrs Ben Jacobs, Ed. Carr, R-ash. J. Carr, W. Thomas. W. T.rs. Cla,gue, J. Bridson, J. J. ~-= -e Kelly, and Douglas Cowley. items were well rendered and _ -=-arty applause.

-he evening refreshments and she handed amound the scones being the product of the Manx confectioner, Mrs Wattleworth. The proceedings were much enlivened by an Edison Diamond Disc Graphophone, kindly loaned by the Edison Co., the patriotic pieces, such as " Tipperary," " Soldiers of the King," " Rule Britannia," etc., receiving special applause. The affair came to a close at midnight, all having spent a very enjoyable evening.

The officers for 1916 are:-President. Steven Kelly; vice-president. R. Gorry past -president, P. Christian; financial secretary, Tom Stephens : recording secretary, Robert Faragher, treasurer, R. Collister; trustees. J. McCaa, W. Scarffe, R. Kermode : chaplain. John R. Cain; conductor, W. Bell: warden. W. Boyd ; outside guardian. Jar. Gaskell.


The Queensland Manx Society held its monthly meeting at the Temperance Hall, Brisbane, on Saturday, April 15th, about 60 persons being present. Mr G. W. Cowin (president) was in the chair, supported by Messrs P. T. Whiteside and Edwin Kelly (vice-presidents). It was decided to hold the annual Tynwald dinner and dance as near Tynwald Day (5th July) as possible. A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation of a wristlet watch by Mr Edwin Kelly on behalf of the society to Private W. Lace, who has recently joined the Expeditionary Forces. Private Lace in a few well-chosen words acknowledged the kindly gift from his countrymen. This small society has now lost ten of its members, who have joined the forces. Songs were rendered by Mrs Tate, Misses Gladys Kelly and Tate, Messrs Cowin. Kelly, Faragher, Cargi ll.

and Thomas. Miss Cowin ably presided at the piano. Refreshments handed round by the ladies were much appreciated. The meeting was brought to a close by all singing " My own dear Ellan Vannin with its green hills by the sea," and " God save the King."-" Queensland Figaro."


On April 20th, at Daihousie, near the Afghan Frontier in Northorn India, at the Bungalow of Lieut. G. C. Mitchell, I.A.0., Station Staff Officer and Canton-ment Magistrate, who was educated at King William's College, there was held a little " Manx dinner," the party consisting of Capt. P. D. Williams, officer commanding 23rd Rifles Brigade Detachment at Dalhousie, who was born in Ramsey and educated at Victoria College, Douglas (and brother of Dr S. W. Williams, Port St. Mary), with his officers-Lieutenants Sykes, Macfie, and Radford. who had all spent twelve months previously guarding prisoners at Knockaloe Detention Camp, Peel. Lieut. Mitchell, in proposing the health of " All Manxmen serving," remarked that though he had been in India for twenty years he had only met previously one man from the Island.

After several " Slaynt vie" (" Good healths") had been proposed, the parting greeting " Oie vie" (" Good-night") was said, and thus finished an excellent Manx evening in the wilds of India.


The Secretary said that in response to their endeavour to compile a list of all Manxmen serving in his Majesty's Forces. the Winnipeg Manx Society had forwarded their list, but others were not yet to hand. The Winnipeg list was as fol-lows: Messrs Fred Blakemore (wounded), Jas. Berry, Jas. Berry, junr., Jas. Barton, Win. Corrin, Jack Corrin, Tom Clague, Walter Christian, Tom Callow. Fred Christian. Stewart Cowin, William Crellin, John Fick. Ewan Gell, William Hewitt, R.oy Henry, Frank Johnson, Wm. Kewley, Joe Kay, William Killey, Geo. Fiillev, Bert Killey, John Minay, Ted Morrison. George Pendlebury, Tom Phillips. William Ross. Douglas Quiggin, and William Spence — a total of twenty-nine.


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